5 Steps To More Dynamic Presentations

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It's the worst possible scenario. Another quarterly team meeting gets announced. Want to make it even worse? Imagine you're the one leading the meeting and the one who has to come up with the presentation. Ew.

You've got two choices.

One, resign and seek employment elsewhere. Okay, maybe not the best solution, but we've gotta throw it out there. What's two?

Two, is you go back to your desk and create the most awesome, engaging presentation you can imagine. There's just one trick. How?

Award-winning author and master course facilitator, Stephanie Keyes, will take you through the ins and outs of creating a PowerPoint that, not only kicks butt, but also keeps your audience awake and engaged.

*This course is a complimentary segment of Steph's "So You Want Me To Train?" workshop.

Your Instructor

Stephanie Keyes
Stephanie Keyes

Stephanie Keyes has spent over 16 years working as a course facilitator, software trainer, database analyst, graphic designer, and curriculum creator. In addition, she's also an award-winning author of young adult fantasy and has penned the bestselling series, The Star Child [Inkspell Publishing]. Steph is one of two bloggers at The Nerd Garden, where she and her husband, Aaron, deliver content on everything from tech, to writing, and a little bit in-between.

Thank you so much for taking part in our course—STOP PUTTING YOUR AUDIENCE TO SLEEP! As a special thank you for participating, You'll have the opportunity to sign up for my full-length workshop—Become a Training Dynamo (a $299 value)—for just $49.95. Just use the link in our follow-up email to enroll at a discount!

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